Marshmallow from FA. is a better overall marshmallow than capella. it taste.more authentic and steeps wonderfully
not getting much marshmallow from this,i get a bit of a sweet in a mix,doesnt smell strong and i think just leaves a sweet similar to sugar cookie,would not recommend as a sweetner and certainly not as a flavour,maybe its ok as a filler possibly but i didnt notice it doing much other than give some bland sweetex style diet sweet
TFA Marshmallow وصف الطعم: حلو وهش ويوجد به احساس بالفانيلا قليل الأختبار: @2% طعمه مثل المارشيملو الحقيقي @5% نفس الطعم وكريمي وحلو @10% طعم الفانيلا يطغي علي اي طعم في الوصفة. افضل نسبة للأستخدام 2%