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Raspberry (Sweet). Kommentare

Концентрация 2-8%
long steeptime, very carefully strong taste
smells of light raspberry,not strong and all it does is add some sweet to a juice,i personally dodnt notice or taste it in anything i used,i used at 4 and 6%
Рекомендуемая концентрация ароматизатора TPA Raspberry (Sweet) на 10 мл:  • при использовании одного ароматизатора - 30 капель (10%)  • при использовании в рецептах - 11 капель (3,6%)
Test mit 6% / 28 Tage: Eher künstlicher Geschmack aber deutlich; 6% zu wenig für Single - im Mix vermutlich nicht schlecht, aber auch eher zu wenig. "Sweet" wird dem Namen gerecht - aufpassen mit Süssen!
From: https://e-liquid-recipes.com/flavor/271301 Version of raspberry in sweet, very useful in conjunction with more real raspberries as the versions of FA and INW that are very dry. Together with this raspberry, much juicier and pleasant. Also useful for making strawberries red and vibrant. It is a versatile and well-achieved useful aroma but with a little texture and very thin body, it is not as concentrated as its competitors and has fewer high notes. Tested at 5% steeped 1 day. A very sweet hard-candy raspberry flavor. very bold flavor! Good too, but borders on medicine-y. and has a sticky, almost syrupy fruit-note that's almost like a dark strawberry. I do taste a mild musk that i don't particularly care for, and if it wasn't for that i can see myself reaching for this often. The good news is that all you would really need in a mix is 1.5%. as a single flavor 5% is about as high as i would go because of the musk note and it gets overly synthetic higher. I prefer LA’s offering as its brighter, a bit tart, and can be used at roughly the same %. I get very little tart from this flavor. I actually go back and forth between a hard candy and a dark syrup as the flavor really lingers on your tongue. Likewise this sweetens in a very dark way, no real off flavors except for the slight muskiness.
Nach drei enttäuschenden Versuchen, einzige Variante in Kombination mit Raspberry-Aromen anderer Hersteller (gemäss Empfehlung @angenz (TNX).


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